PRINTING United Technical Event Series
The PRINTING United Technical Event Series is a new approach to co-locating conference events. In 2024, the Alliance will host the COLOR and TAGA Conferences together, providing a technical-oriented focus.
The Technical Association of the Graphic Arts, a specialty group within PRINTING United Alliance, is an international community of industry professionals and academics dedicated to scientific research and technological innovation in the diverse field of graphic communications. The Annual Technical Conference provides authors one of the premier platforms for communication, publication, and outreach in the graphic communications industry. During the event, industry leaders, innovators, researchers, scientists, and end users can evaluate the latest R&D and learn how it can impact their own activities and business.
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By registering for this event, you are giving permission for PRINTING United Alliance to use any photography/video taken for promotion of future events.
Cancellation Policy: Due to contractual obligations, we are unable to refund your registration fee. We are happy to accept a substitution in your place. Please contact us at if you have any questions.